Student regalia (cap and gown) may be purchased through the U of A Bookstore.
Honors accessories are obtained in the dean's office of your school or college. College of Arts and Sciences Honors students may receive their stoles at a ceremony prior to Commencement or in the Honors office, MAIN 517.
Yes, family and friends may take pictures from the seating area. Access to the arena floor will not be allowed. A professional photographer will take pictures of each graduate. Order information may be obtained by visiting the Grad Images website or by calling 1-800-261-2576.
Parking and seating are available on a first-come, first-served basis. 
Students who have applied to graduate for the spring term are encouraged to attend a Spring Commencement ceremony. Fall graduates are encouraged to attend the Fall Commencement ceremony. Summer graduates may choose to attend either the Spring or Fall ceremony. (Graduate students are required to receive approval by the Graduate School to participate in commencement if they are finishing degree requirements in a later term.) Students will select which ceremony they will walk in when applying to graduate in UAConnect.
Confetti and ballons are not allowed inside the ceremony building. While we discourage the use of confetti, if it is used, it must be of a biodegradable type. Plastic confetti is not allowed.  Balloons should be biodegradable.